Staring at his hair was a good distraction for her. His straight was in a wave-like pattern. These waves looked as if it was a black sea. Below his hair, the small patch of his neck was like a beach. The skin colour is golden sand speckled at the end. The image of him formed in her head. There he was sitting- a black sea with a golden beach. He sat in front of her in class. The class went on its usual boring time, and she refuges in her mind. Her imagery of a boy she doesn't know into a personified beach was occupying. Her thoughts gave him beach-like attributes. She believed the guy to be constant like the waves and dangerous enough to cause storms. For small children, he gave joy and for men who defile him- death. As the sea is volatile in its action and constant in its nature, he moves unexpectedly, which aligns with his nature. One won't be surprised by his behaviour. For her, he became a walking beach. The light on his hair was like sunshine, reflecting the blackness. The black sea glimmering in light was a beauty to behold. With every head bobble, his neck hid and reappeared. It gave the perfect image of waves striking the beach and receding to the sea. In the mass of his hair was a flaw of a hole. The hole was like a swirl in which ships sank. A deep trench where fishes are afraid to swim. Large creatures hid in these black trenches waiting on their prey. His dense hair made her think of pirates hoisting their sails in search of loot and rum.
Dark thoughts crept in. All attributes gave way to her bloodlust. His hair is strong for grips, and the hole is a good bullseye. It would be tough to shoot and get the bullseye with a handgun, but a bow arrow will have success. With a grip on his hair, slamming on the...
She whispered," Shh control," to her thoughts. She quickly reigned her thoughts before they begged for red hands. But will he bleed red? If he is 'walking beach', he should bleed blue or black because of the black sea. If he gets hurt, will his blood flow like a fountain or drip like the rain? But she will never know, hopefully. Her mind will not think of his blood or snap sound. The snap sound of his neck snapping when she twists his head or bangs it. The crack sound as his neck breaks and people around him scream. Will the crack sound be louder than the screams? She will never know with miles of distance between them. She is contended on thinking of sea waves crashing at the beach. No screaming can make her relax like beach sounds. What if he eats a poisonous snack in the middle of class? He will go to a dead land. The teacher will throw a fit, and students will scream. But it wouldn't be as pleasing as blood on her hands. His pool of blood will stain the wood. But why bother thinking- he is just a walking beach?
Extraordinary. I can imagine the "walking beach boy" and his features clearly. As the letters go on, I can replay this as a short movie in my head . Described in a way which keeps the reader engrossed.Great Job Ashna :)